LeadSquared Review

LeadSquared Review

LeadSquared is the new kid on the block. This three year old company from India is growing at a rapid pace. With close to 500 paying customers in such short period, it is making all the right noises.

I got a chance to experience their platform first hand and I must say, they do have a unique positioning with a budget price tag.

LeadSquared positions itself as a Sales Acceleration Platform which tries do a little bit of everything i.e. Marketing Automation, CRM & Analytics. Given its focus on mid-sized companies, it can get away as the only platform SMB’s would need for their Sales & Marketing operations.

If you refer to my previous post on Must-Have Marketing Tech, I have highlighted 6 types of marketing software needed by SMB’s. Taking that as a baseline and comparing what LeadSquared has to offer, I would say it is Email Marketing++ type of platform.

It has a solid Email Marketing backbone with Lead Capture, Web Tracking and basic CRM capabilities.

Here are the things which I like about LeadSquared.

Lead Capture

You can design your landing pages and contact forms using LeadSquared which automates the process of capturing leads from your website. The UX for landing pages is not as sophisticated like HubSpot or some of the other established players. But it gets the job done none the less.

Lead Insights

LeadSquared has an extremely functional lead tracking module, which monitors visitor behavior on your website. Whether the lead has been captured manually or via your website, it assigns lead score based on their activity as well as engagement. This comes in very handy for sales people to have meaningful conversations with the prospect.

Email Marketing

LeadSquared’s Email Marketing module is as good as what I have seen with other players in similar bracket. The UI is intuitive with loads of prebuilt templates for each type of email communication you would expect to send to prospects and customers. It also provides a robust email automation capability where you can schedule drip campaigns based on events, activities or preset schedule.

Things I did not like about LeadSquared.

CRM Capabilities

The CRM capabilities are very basic at best. Every lead is managed as an entity, so there is no relationship management between Leads or Accounts. You will not able to filter leads based on Companies or Accounts, nor will you be able to setup targeted Account based Campaigns.

Though LeadSquared’s CRM does manage to do what it is built for i.e. Managing the lifecycle from Lead to Customer.

All in all, LeadSquared is a powerful package in terms of what it offers and what you pay for it. For companies who are looking to start with their marketing automation programs LeadSquared could be the ideal platform.

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